Tuesday, May 1, 2007



1) for me, nicenet is just like a bare-bones kind of Moodle. Same usage and same advantages.
It is a great tool...more than just a communication tool it can store resources and attach links that would enhance the learning experience.
but unlike Moodle (where you as the instructor have to pay for service) Nicenet is free
which means the service can just come and go...
Security seems to be ok (with the enrolment key and everything) but again, since the service is free, they can just turn it off at a moment's notice.

6) I did find that Nicenet was easy to navigate through; however, when I did not receive David White's response to our questions, I became weary of the tool. I replied to his response but it did not pertain to our questions. I only received it via Norman, our facilitator.

I prefer the Moodle. The Moodle has more visual appeal and information all on one screen. Although Nicenet's features were on one screen as well, I prefer Moodle's setup.

And I agree, because Nicenet is a free service, it is not as reliable as the Moodle.

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